
How To Stop Stinky And Smelly Farts?

By Editorial Staff in Health and Fitness On 20th December 2016

#1 The reasons we have flatulence ?

Flatulence can be referred to as belching and farting ,we all create gas in our gut and they come from a number of reasons some come into our mouth when we eat or drink for person who like chewing gum they would have excess gas entering their stomach through their mouth these are usually not smelly.

The food we eat especially alkaline ones when mix with acid in the stomach produces carbon dioxide further down in the large intestine.

As the food down our canals travel millions of bacteria act on undigested foods residue often producing gas which they excrete .

Various vegetable , beans, lactose and beverages create extra gas because they contain certain sugars which our digestive system can't properly digest so it goes into the large bowel unchanged and the bacteria there ferment them and produce gas .

Fiber is a carbohydrate that is great for our body but our body cannot digest it so travel through our Gi tract to our large intestine where it is broken down by bacteria that produces gas.

#2 What causes smelly farts ?

Non smelly gas are usually the very loud farts they have about 59% nitrogen 29 % hydrogen 9 % carbon dioxide 7 % methane and 3 % oxygen they usually come from our mouth when we eat fast or chew.The bubbles of nitrogen and carbon dioxide are usually large so when we force them out of our butt the fart makes a loud sound but it is odorless.

Silent farts are usually smelly farts they are made from the bacteria feeding on food in our intestine they produce small bubbles of gas ,so they exit our butt quietly. They are made up of the gas Indole, Skatole, Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) ( is the source of sulfur in the intestine) and Mercapthan. Sometimes we do pass loud and stinky farts when the big gas bubbles mix with the small bubbles.

If you eat a lot of fat it goes through your canal largely unchanged when it reach the large intestine the bacteria there change them into volatile fatty acids they can smell really bad.

There are some disorders such as lactose intolerant the inability of your body to digest the milk sugar lactose which will go through gut and also create foul gases .

Foods that give stinky farts are rich in sulfur this is because bacteria break them down and produce hydrogen sulfide which has a rotten smell.

Eggs ,meats, cauliflower, sweet yam ,beans, brussel sprouts ,cabbage , kale, mustard green, collards, onions garlic and horseradish.

Food which use sulfides as preservatives can also cause bad smelling gas beverages such as wines, coffee, tea , cocoa.

Fruits such as watermelon, pineapple and bananas.

Dairy products cheese, sour cream ,milk and medicines with milk.

Nuts such as walnuts, almonds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds and cashews nuts.

There are medication which also cause stinky gas such as:

Aspirin,Antacids,Narcotic pain medicines. Diarrhea medicines, such as Imodium, Kaopectate, and Lomotil.

Fiber supplements such as Citrucel, Fiberall, and Metamucil.

Multivitamins and iron pills.

Intestinal disease and illness also gives us these malodour flatulence such as :

Food allergy or intolerance?

GERD Gastroesophageal reflux disease


Dumping syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome

Peptic ulcer, Lactose intolerance, Celiac disease Colon cancer

Artificial sweeteners cannot be broken down by many persons digestive system so stay away from sugar free sweeteners and beverages with sweeteners such as sorbitol, xylitol and mannitol they are also culprits of bad flatulence.

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#3 Ways to stop your stinky farts?

#4 Use apple cider vinegar

I have being used apple cider vinegar just over two years it was recommended by my dad who had been drinking it for years for his diabetes. I can say it really works in keeping his blood sugar low (1) that he has stop using all medication given by his doctor. Over the the years using apple cider I have seen a number of changes one of the first was my farts were odorless . I know there were times after I would have had a few pieces fried chickens and ice cream I would have enough gas to supply and entire city and my farts would really smell foul( I am lactose intolerant) I would take a teaspoon of natural apple cider vinegar along with a glass of water within 30 minutes and my fart would be odorless. If it's really bad I would add two teaspoons before I consume dairy products I would usually drink apple cider first this usually prevent those embarrassing moments .According to Medscape General Medicine based on research apple cider vinegar reduce the amount of harmful bacteria in food by creating an unlivable environment for unhealthy bacteria (2). Apple cider is also a Prebiotics (mind you not probiotic) it has a carbohydrate called pectin which attaches itself to waste products in the intestines one such is bacteria and take them out of the system to be depose of as waste this leaves the probiotic in your gut to multiply and develop a healthy gut thus reducing gas.

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#5 Use activated charcoal to eliminate flatulence.

Activated charcoal is a fine powder charcoal that was subject to heat at over 1000 degrees . It has millions of pores which traps the gas as it pass through your system, just like a sponge . A teaspoon of activated charcoal has the surface area of a football field and it has been used by doctors and hospitals for over 150 years to remove toxins and poisons from our bodies. Activated charcoal is very good at absorbing hydrogen sulfides which is responsible for those obnoxious air bagel. Research was done on on charcoal and gas some studies shows it works other disagree so it inconclusive but many people swear that nothing else work better than this you can read reviews on Amazon.

#6 Add probiotics to your diet

There are over 100 trillion bacteria in our gut they can either be good bacteria (as in probiotics) or bad bacteria. The good should out outnumber your bad bacteria by 9 to 1 if not this results is gas and many other effects . The use of antibiotics medications and stress can cause your system to have reduce amount of good bacteria. Creating a healthy digestive tract will stop your smelly gas . Probiotics help by killing the bad bacteria that feed on carbohydrates and produce foul gas in your large intestine it also increase your immune system to fight these nasty microorganisms. Probiotics can be found in yogurts ,kefir,pickles,sauerkraut and kombucha tea.

For serious cases or gas or persons with illness like Irritable bowel syndrome and Lactose intolerance you may need probiotic supplements look for 10 strains or more of the different bacteria. Studies have also shown that probiotic preparations containing a lactobacillus or bifidobacterium strain can reduce the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (1) .They should be Enteric coated probiotic capsule they can bypass the stomach acid to reach our intestine so that the healthy bacteria can remain intact and to repopulate .


#7 Try digestive enzymes

Digestive enzymes are the force behind digestion they are proteins made of amino acid the come together in the forms of chains to breakdown food into the nutrients your body needs. As you get older they can reduce in numbers or they can decrease due to illness , medication and stress . If you don't have enough enzymes it can lead to gas and bloating because there will be excess food particles for bacteria to breakdown resulting in more gas bubbles. You can use a digestive enzyme supplement such as NOW Foods Super Enzymes.

Persons who are lactose intolerant it means you have a deficiency in the enzymes lactase they can add supplements like Lactaid to their diet .

Beano is another product which has enzymes to breakdown beans, vegetables and whole grains so as to stop gas you can also soak your beans overnight before cooking to get rid of the sugars which causes the gas .

#8 Peppermint Oil is effective against flatulence

There are some studies which show that peppermint oil can reduce the expulsion of flatulence and also reduce stomach muscle spasm therefore acting as a stomach and colon muscle relaxant. A study was done using fiber , antispasmodics and peppermint oil to treat irritable bowel syndrome the results showed that all were effective in the treatment of IBS by peppermint was the best. Peppermint oil reduced symptoms of IBS by 57% which was 25% more than those who took antispasmodics and 44% more than those who took fiber and 26% of the patients saw symptoms after treatment. It is recommended to take about 90 mg of peppermint oil a day to help reduce bloating , gas and bowel movement for people with IBS excessive gas . When purchasing peppermint oil capsule for gas look for enteric coated which will allow the capsule to pass through until it reaches your colon . Heather's Tummy Tamers Peppermint Oil Capsules is a highly recommended peppermint capsule but there are other brands you can check that works.

#9 Use a gas deodorizing fart pads

For many of these digestive disorder above it can be a long struggle to find a cure as the persons who experience them know.Many of the above steps can take a while to work . For those people they can use a deodorizing pad these pads are made with activated charcoal cloth to remove the foul smell from farts.
