For real. These are actual products that have gone way overboard when it comes to Pumpkin Spice scented or flavored. Thanks a lot Starbucks!
Pumpkin Spice, You Have Gone Too Far
Editorial Staff in
On 15th September 2015
#1 Pumpkin Spice, You Have Gone Too Far
#2 Now this sounds delicious!
#3 Spread a little crock on your toast!
#4 No thank you, I'll pass. But thanks for the offer.
#5 For when you want your tushy to smell like Autumn.
#6 For when you want your hoochie to smell like Autumn.
#7 Really? Before my Pumpkin Spice latte?
#8 Pumpkin is actually good for dogs digestive system.
#9 Gatorade... Why have you forsaken us??
#10 Hey, they are organic! Chicken, sausage, pumpkin spice.. YUCK!
#11 I'd try this.
#12 Freshen your breath with a little zing of Pumpkin Spice. The ladies will love to kiss you afterwards.
#13 Gum flavoerd spice for when you have that craving at work.
#14 Really. Do rats really care if the poison is Pumpkin Spice flavored? FAIL!
#15 Tried them. Too expensive, but pretty tasty.