
This Hilariously Bad Police Sketch Actually Helped Cops Catch Suspect

By Sughra Hafeez in Funny On 11th February 2018

The drawing was enough to "jog the memory" of an officer who then, based on the doodle, issued a warrant for the man's arrest.

However people were left gobsmacked when the sketch actually led to an arrest warrant being issued – and the suspect being identified.

Nguyen is suspected of impersonating a vendor and taking money from a stand at the Central Market in Lancaster, while an employee had stepped away.

The homeless suspect then fled on foot with an undisclosed sum of money.

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People initially thought the sketch was a joke, but police set the story straight.

"We released all of those details together in our police log in the hope that someone recognizes the suspect," Lancaster city police said, according to Lancaster Online.

"This was not done in jest."

An eye-witness immediately identified him.

The suspect was confirmed as Nguyen when his mugshot was included in a photo line-up.

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Twitter couldn't stop laughing at the drawing.

"I need a Netflix series on the witness that did the sketch. I’m also looking into getting put in The Louvre."


"The witness? It's the police officer who identified the suspect from the sketch who deserves a medal!"

"Sometimes the universe makes me very very happy."

"The etch a sketch was probably broken at the time."


"Somewhere, @jason_mraz: 'Whew.'"
