It's that time of year again. The costumes are coming out and we all know that the true horror of Halloween is about to show it's self. Our neighbors and friends fashion sense, humor and political alignments are about to mesh into a horrifying mixture of Halloween gore.
Top Halloween Costumes That We Love To Hate!
#1 The Lazy Costume
This person should have just gone without a costume. Either be lazy or quit trying!

#2 The Makeup Costume
Just throwing on some writing on your face, does not a costume make.

#3 The Slutty Whatever Costume
Time to pull out your bedroom roleplaying gear for the streets!

#4 The Can't Get Laid Costume
After seeing one of these we all know why you can't get any.

#5 The Family Costume
Nothing kills the freedom that comes with being annoynomus than conforming to group standards.

#6 The Household Appliance
Seriously, it's Halloween and your going as a household item?

#7 The Fandom Costume
Go cosplay at the convention... actually don't, you'll get laughed out of the convention for the lack of effort you put into these.

#8 The "I Shouldn't Have Kids" Costume
These parents really should know better. These are kids not fashion accesories.

#9 The Political Statement
You know, opinions are like buttholes. We all have one but shouldn't air them to everyone!

#10 The Way Too Small For Me Costume
Can't you find one that fits?