You Are Definitely Going To Be Mad After Seeing These 16 Brilliant People
When only your friend with a motorcycle is available to give you a ride
This is the most deadly electric whisk, ever
When the dishes are dirty
Sometimes you dog needs to go out and you can't find their leash
Teachers: this works as well as compass or ruler
Who needs a mug when you've got this?
When your shower-head breaks, this quick improvisation could help
Lost a couch cushion? This is one way to fix it
When you need to take a bath, but don't have a tub, and you also want hot water
Air conditioning?
This won't save anybody's life
Sometimes you just gotta own the fact that your clothing is falling apart
When somebody needs to do something
If you're microwave is broken, this could potentially work, or be disgusting
When you can't find your chess board, but you've got chess pieces