Why one would ever put themselves up for this kind of abuse, especially on the internet, the home to all things cruel, is beyond me. Yet, the latest is in fact just full of people posting pictures and asking to be roasted. Here are some of the best/worst ones so far.
#1 If you’re not familiar with a ‘roast’ and you’re assuming I’m about to tell you about some peanuts or the dinner I had last Sunday with my family, I’m afraid you’ll be disappointed. The colloquial roast I’m referring to is as follows:
#2 Got a real ‘raoste’ here.
#3 Ouch, want some apple sauce with that roast?
#4 One could guess this was her face after she was the roast too.
#5 Just the casual ‘you shouldn’t have been born’ diss.
#6 Oh a culinary pun, I was impressed.
#7 This guy doesn’t need anyone to make him feel any sadder.
#8 There are no words
#9 Political knowledge, 12 poi