Bizarre and Unique Musical Instruments
#1: Stylophone
All of you hear about the smart phone, but here we are telling you about "Stylophone" that is invented in the year of 1967. It has an analog stylus operated mechanism.

#2: Pikasso guitar
Guitar is not an unfamiliar name for you, but "Pikasso guitar" maybe. It is basically a harp guitar.

#3: Aetherphone
A big box, washing machine like instrument that can control without your touch is known as "Aetherphone". It is famous because of its sound which can be generated by using a different mechanism.

#4: Cimbalom
In old movies, you surely have seen the large trapezoidal box instrument. It is popular in Hungary and they call it "Cimbalom".

#5: Glass Harmonica
Glass bowls give an intense sound when they break at our homes. Do you know about the "Glass Harmonica" that work with the series of glass bowls but can generate a sweet sound?

#6: OndesMartenot
The elegant and romantic musical instrument is "OndesMartenot" It is invented in 1928 but famous until now because of some traditional, loving people.

#7: Jew’s Harp
The tongue can work speedy only when the time comes of trouble mostly. But "Jew's Harp" is the instrument that has tongue to generate a note.

#8: Wheelharp
You know about car wheel or cycle wheel, but I think, you don't know about the instrument which has also a wheel that is none other than the famous "Wheelharp".

#9: Hardingfele
Ancient and royal instrument, "Hardingfele" is a type of violin, which you surely want to get to hang on your wall to inspire your friends.
#10: Singing Ringing Tree
Singing Tree is common in princess story, but here I am telling you about the instrument "Singing Ringing Tree" that is made up of steels long pipes.

#11: Didgeridoo
You are aware of Australians sports achievements but do you the instrument especially famous in Australia that has the name "Didgeridoo"?

#12: Pyrophone
Chemistry is so boring thing. But here are I am making it interesting by telling you about the "Pyrophone" that work on the principle of chemistry especially combustion process.

#13: Zeusaphone
The news about the exams sometimes becomes shocking. But what will happen with you, when you find an instrument that is shocking like "Zeusaphone"?

#14: Friction Harp
Physics and friction are two teasing things for the students. Now they become relaxing, because these things can design an instrument that is "Friction Harp" to play music of perfect tone.

#15: Lur
Wind can generate electricity. So, stay in an open environment to get that energy. But, the instrument of the Middle Ages "Lur" can also produce music note easily using wind.