Man drinking nothing but Coca Cola for over 40 years

By Editorial Staff in Bizarre On 15th November 2013


Pero Ajtman, a 75 year old man, had made a very honest, true and determined promise to his mother, which was to never touch, look or smell alcohol again, since she was the very religious type. And he did so by keeping his promise for over 40 years! Yes, he gave up wine and spirits as promised, but replaced it with a new and far less but still dangerous addiction, Coca Cola. 

He explains, "My mum didn’t like me drinking when I was a young man as she was very religious. She made me promise never to drink again and Coca-Cola was the only thing that tasted as good as wine so I started drinking that".

The pensioner from Croatia’s Karanac village told reporters that drinking several glasses of the sugary soft drink every day has kept him from going back to his boozy ways. Which worked, so he indulged more and more into it. 

It was so much of an addiction, that he even replaces it with water.



He says, "Now I have a glass in the morning, before and after lunch, with my dinner and then before I go to bed. I never drink anything else,” the man swears. Doctors generally advise against drinking large quantities of carbonated sugary drinks on a regular basis, as it can have a devastating effect on our health, but 75-year-old Pero says he has yet to experience any serious problems. He does admit to being hooked to it now, saying “Coke is my drug now, and I’ll drink it till I die”.