Some Crazy Theories on the Mysterious Malaysian Flight MH370

By Editorial Staff in Bizarre On 15th March 2014

#1: Pilot Suicide

The latest evidence suggests the plane didn't experience a catastrophic incident over the South China Sea as was initially suspected. Some experts theorize that one of the pilots, or someone else with flying experience, hijacked the plane or committed suicide by plunging the jet into the sea.


#2: The Flight was pirated

A U.S. official said Friday in Washington that investigators are examining the possibility of "human intervention" in the plane's disappearance, adding it may have been "an act of piracy." The official, who wasn't authorized to talk to the media and spoke on condition of anonymity, said it also was possible the plane may have landed somewhere.


#3: It was taken over by Terrorist

The country's civil aviation chief Azharuddin Abdul Rahman said the fate of the aircraft, which went missing with 239 people on board, remains "a mystery".He said officials cannot rule out hijacking as a cause of the plane's disappearance, adding that all reported sightings of debris from the plane in the seas south of Vietnam are unconfirmed.


#4: Aliens are involved

"[Some] receivers do not provide the same data quality, so sometimes parts of the data can be corrupt [and] generate errors like the one you see on the video," he explained. "For example if Longitude received is 120 instead of 110, that would generate such error."

#5: The passengers are still alive

You can test this for yourself: turn off your cell phone, remove the battery and call your number on another line - most kinds of phones will still ring before you reach voicemail.

#6: There's a Snowden connection

So far, there is no evidence of an explosion.


#7: Iranians kidnapped engineers

Passengers were taken to Pyongyang: This map is slightly deceptive - while the trip to both Beijing and Pyongyang appear equidistant, this theory would require the plane fly at extremely low altitudes to avoid radar detection, which - due to greater air density at lower altitudes - would require more fuel to travel the same distance.

#8: The Illuminati is involved

I think, probably.

#9: There's a new Bermuda triangle

Though the Bermuda Triangle's status as one of the sea's most mysteriously treacherous zones has been debunked for decades, it doesn't stop some from seeing triangles in the Gulf of Thailand.


#10: The plane is in Vietnam, where it is waiting to be used as a weapon


#11: There was some kind of miniature hydrogen bomb controlled by an iPhone app and it created a miniature black hole

"The Malaysia Airlines Jet was blown up by a micro nuclear bomb which created a black hole of magnetic forces vaporizing the whole jetliner."

#13: Life Insurance Scam

Malaysia's police chief Khalid Abu Baker has cooked up one of the more cynical conjectures about the lost airliner: this is all an elaborate insurance scam. At a news conference Tuesday, Baker said, "Maybe someone on the flight has bought a huge sum of insurance, who wants family to gain from it or somebody has owed somebody so much money, you know, we are looking at all possibilities."


#12: The Plane Is Hiding Under an Invisibility Cloak

The best part of the terrorism theory is the notion that whoever is in control of the plane is able to keep the enormous aircraft hidden with the use of high-tech electronic weaponry that can make airplanes invisible to radar as well as the human eye. Yes, this is a real thing and yes, it's basically Harry Potter's invisibility cloak for planes. Â

#14: The Plane Exploded Mid-Air and Disintegrated

Could the Beijing-bound Boeing have disintegrated in mid-air? Investigators say it's possible. "The fact that we are unable to find any debris so far appears to indicate that the aircraft is likely to have disintegrated at around 35,000 feet," a source involved in the international investigation told Reuters. The source was hesitant to suggest that it could have been a bomb that caused the aircraft to hypothetically explode, noting that investigators have yet to find any evidence of foul play and that mechanical problems could just have easily caused the plan to break apart.

#15: Uighur Militants Attacked the Plane
