Some facts that are kept hidden from society

By Editorial Staff in Bizarre On 11th March 2014

#1: The Ten Commandments We Always See, Aren’t The Ten Commandments

X. Thou shalt not seethe a kid [ie, a young goat] in his mother's milk. Â


#2: One of the Popes Wrote an Erotic Book

Before he was Pope Pius II, Aeneas Sylvius Piccolomini was a poet, scholar, diplomat, and rakehell. And an author. In fact, he wrote a bestseller. People in fifteenth-century Europe couldn't get enough of his Latin novella Historia de duobus amantibus. It was probably written in 1444, but the earliest known printing is from Antwerp in 1488. By the turn of the century, 37 editions had been published. Somewhere around 1553, the short book appeared in English under the wonderfully old-school title The Goodli History of the Moste Noble and Beautyfull Ladye Lucres of Scene in Tuskane, and of Her Lover Eurialus Verye Pleasaunt and Delectable vnto ye Reder. Despite the obvious historical interest of this archaic Vatican porn, it has never been translated into contemporary language.


#3: The U.S. and Soviet Union Considered Detonating Nuclear Bombs on the Moon

You'd be forgiven for thinking that this is an unused scene from Dr. Strangelove, but the United States and the Soviet Union have seriously considered exploding atomic bombs on the Moon.

#4: The Tattoo Used in Auschwitz Was Originally An IBM Code Number

 Edwin Black made headlines in 2001 when his painstakingly researched book, IBM and the Holocaust, showed that IBM machines were used to automate the "Final Solution" and the jackbooted takeover of Europe. Worse, he showed that the top levels of the company either knew or willfully turned a blind eye.

#5: The Virginia Colonists at Jamestown Practiced Cannibalism

During the harsh winter of 16091610, British subjects in the famous colony of Jamestown, Virginia, ate their dead. This fact doesn't make it into very many U.S. history textbooks, and the state's official website apparently forgot to mention it in their history section.

#6: The Supreme Court Has Ruled That You’re Allowed to Ingest Any Drug, Especially If You’re An Addict

In the early 1920s, Dr. Linder was convicted of selling one morphine tablet and three cocaine tablets to a patient who was addicted to narcotics. The Supreme Court overturned the conviction, declaring that providing an addicted patient with a fairly small amount of drugs is an acceptable medical practice "when designed temporarily to alleviate an addict's pains." (Linder v. United States.)


#7: George Washington Embezzled Government Funds

The whistle was blown by the Clerk of Congress in the Philadelphia Aurora, a muckraking anti-federalist newspaper founded, edited, and published by Benjamin Franklin's grandson. In 1795, the Aurora published the Clerk's detailed breakdown of how much loot Washington had taken from the Treasury beyond his Constitutionally-sanctioned $25,000 annual salary.

#8: One Out Of Ten People Weren’t Fathered By The Man They Believe Is Dad

Naturally, adoptees and stepchildren realize their paternal situation. What we're talking about here is people who have taken it as a given, for their entire lives, that dear old Dad is the one who contributed his sperm to the process. Even Dad himself may be under this impression. And Mom, knowing it's not a sure thing, just keeps quiet.

#9: The Bayer Company Made Heroin

The company was looking for a cough suppressant that didn't have problematic side effects, mainly addiction, like morphine and codeine. And if it could relieve pain better than morphine, which was a welcome bonus. Â


#10: Work Kills More People Than War

The ILO estimates that approximately two million workers lose their lives annually due to occupational injuries and illnesses, with accidents causing at least 350,000 deaths a year. For every fatal accident, there are an estimated 1,000 non-fatal injuries, many of which result in lost earnings, permanent disability and poverty.

#11: Genetically-Engineered Human Have Already Been Born

In the first known application of germline gene therapy in which an individual's genes are changed in a way that can be passed to offspring doctors at a reproductive facility in New Jersey announced in March 2001 that nearly 30 healthy babies had been born with DNA from three people: dad, mom, and a second woman. Fifteen were the product of the fertility clinic, with the other fifteen or so coming from elsewhere.

#12: The Government Can Take Your House and Land, Then Sell Them to Private Corporations

It's not an issue that gets much attention, but the government has the right to seize your house, business, and/or land, forcing you into the street. This mighty power, called "eminent domain," is enshrined in the U.S. Constitution's Fifth Amendment: " nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation." Every single state constitution also stipulates that a person whose property is taken must be justly compensated and that the property must be put to public use. Â

#13: Juries Are Allowed To Judge The Law, Not Just The Facts

In order to guard citizens against the whims of the King, the right to a trial by jury was established by the Magna Carta in 1215, and it has become one of the most sacrosanct legal aspects of British and American societies. We tend to believe that the duty of a jury is solely to determine whether someone broke the law. In fact, it's not unusual for judges to instruct juries that they are to judge only the facts in a case, while the judge will sit in judgment of the law itself. Nonsense.

#14: The Police Aren’t Legally Obligated To Protect You

It goes without saying that this could be one the worse ways to die. There are some records that show, if done correctly, the process could take weeks. You probably won't die from blood loss but slow and painful infection of exposed flesh.

#15: God’s Name Is “Jealous”

 "For thou shalt worship no other god: for the lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God"