Spooky Alien Sightings That Will Make You Believe
Editorial Staff in
On 13th March 2014
#1: Two Aliens
Just hanging out and exploring at night.

#2: Something Is Going On
And it looks like it's moving in certain directions meaning something is controlling it.

#3: Coming At You
Must've seen the camera and scared the alien.

#4: A Better Close Up
Looks like it's screaming.

#5: Speed Of Light
Hard to know if it's a comet or alien spaceship.

#6: Looks Dead
But it's also looking at the camera, weird.

#7: Olympic Park In England
British aliens?

#8: Possible Alien Sighting
Above the volcano.

#9: They Are Everywhere
Even in South America

#10: Big Eyes And Head
Definitely an alien.

#11: Aliens On Mars
There is life on Mars, the Government just won't tell us what it is.

#12: Deer Cam
Caught the Alien, who knew it would be so useful?

#13: Spaceship
Can't really see it, but you cans see the lights.

#14: Roswell Alien
Classic, this is where it all began.

#15: Real Or Hoax?
It's up to you to decide, but the truth is out there.