Strangest Laws That Actually Exist

By Editorial Staff in Bizarre On 8th March 2014

#1: Work as a pilot

Do you want to become a pilot? Then try this at your young age because, it is illegal in Turkey for a man of above, then 80 years to work as a pilot.


#2: Run out of gas

This is really funny that in Germany it is illegal to run out of gas when you are moving on a highway.


#3: Forget, habit of picking nose

If you have the habit of picking the nose, then leave it. Because, in Israel it is against the law to pick your nose on Saturday.

#4: Chewing gum is not good

Chewing gum is common among all the ages of the people. In Singapore it is illegal to chew a gum because of cleanliness purpose.

#5: Call for licensed electrician

You can change your bulb without an electrician. It is good, but if you are living in Austria don't try this without the help of a licensed electrician otherwise you will get a serious punishment by the police.

#6: Don’t give a name to your animal

This is so hilarious!!! In Australia it is against the law to name your animal that you plan to eat.


#7: Forget your wife’s birthday

Lol, I wish this law could implement all over the world. In Samoa, it is illegal to forget your wife's birthday.

#8: Don’t sell dolls

You can sell doll in your shop but not in France, it is illegal to sell a doll that has a human like face.

#9: Suicide in parliament is against the law

If you are planning a suicide attempt then don't move towards the Houses of Parliament where it is against the law.


#10: Affection is banned

Showing affection is not a bad thing, but it is banned in UAE for public displays.

#11: Illegal to walk in a swim suit

Dressing shows your personality. Spain policy makers know about this fact. So, they made it illegal to walk into the public in swim suits.

#12: Loud footwear is banned

Loud footwear is banned. So, if you are in Italy don't wear them otherwise be ready to get arrested.

#13: Coins are not allowed

Coins help us during those when our credit card maxes out however, you can use coins anywhere but not in Spain, where it is against the law for shopkeepers to accept coins from their customers.

#14: Kissing is illegal in Moving Vehicle

Kissing in a moving vehicle can take your life in an accident and if you are safe then be ready for the punishment. As in Eboli, Italy it is illegal to kiss in a moving vehicle.

#15: Illegal to walk on your hands

It is banned in the U.S.A even if you want to do it for stunt purposes.